In India it has been a ritual for the bride to have henna done for 5000 years. The henna is usually made from crushing the leaves of a henna tree to create a paste which has both medicinal and artistic uses. It is often believed that the darker the bride's henna the stronger her marriage will be. The henna is only temporary and lasts between 5 and 7 days.
Although tea is typically associated with Britain, in China it is ritual to perform a tea ceremony in which the bride serves tea to her family both before and after the ceremony and was supposed to signify the solidification of the familial bond. The tea serves can either contain 2 lotus seeds or 2 red dates. Following a sip of the tea each relative will give the bride and groom containing money, jewellery or another token or luxury. Another Chinese wedding tradition is for the bride to wear a red dress known as a qipao along with a red veil as in Chinese culture red signifies happiness, prosperity and good luck.
El lazo or wedding lasso is a Mexican tradition that symbolises everlasting love and unity. The lasso is commonly a string of flowers or rosary beads and is placed on the shoulders of the couple following the wedding vows. The newly weds wear the lasso for the remainder of the ceremony and is removed by the priest. Los padrinos y madrinas are another tradition of Mexican weddings who are chosen by the couple and act like god parents and will often sponsor portions of the wedding. It is considered a great honour to be chosen as those asked are often examples of faith, love and devotion that the couple would like to emulate in their marriage.
It is a Spanish tradition for the bride to wear a black lace gown along with a veil known as a mantilla draped over her head and shoulders as a symbol of her devotion to her husband. It was a common belief that a bride too beautiful would attract evil spirits which resulted in the veil that we see today. An unusual tradition for Spanish weddings is that the wedding ring is worn on the right hand as well as the last names not changing following the union of the happy couple. Gratitude for the invitation to the wedding is often shown through envelopes of money to thank the bride and groom.
It is a common Filipino tradition for 2 doves (one male and one female) These stunning white birds are supposed to symbolise a harmonious life ahead for the couple. Doves are considered a symbol of love and peace. It is also a common belief that it is bad luck for the bride to try her gown on before the big day.
It is tradition for the bride to wear a horseshoe on her wrist or have one sewn into the hem of her dress. It is also tradition for the male to propose to the woman however, this tradition is not strictly followed anymore. It was also believed that the best time to marry was between the harvest and Christmas as an old rhyme stated "Marry in September's shine, your living will be rich and fine."